Old Webinar List

Effective ways to manage Data Protection and
Privacy Risks within the organisation
MAY 20, 2021
The NDPR Compliance journey is largely about managing an organisation’s ever-increasing exposure to risks relating to the Regulation, data protection and information security.

NDPR Compliance: How the DPO role can be more effective beyond the audit?
APRIL 15, 2021
During and after the NDPR Audit (an assessment of the organisations level of compliance with NDPR), the DPO would be faced with a myriad of questions from senior stakeholders and other colleagues– questions such as:

NDPR Compliance: 5 ways to maximize your compliance effort with Compliance Toolkit
FEBRUARY 4, 2021
After a year of unprecedented challenges globally, business leaders are rethinking how to navigate recovery, manage organisational risks, and encourage long term sustainable growth for their organisations.

Effective navigation through NDPR roadblocks
NOVEMBER 12, 2020
Gain insights into how organisations can successfully navigate through the main challenges that arise, and how technology can be used to successfully mitigate these bottle necks.

NDPR in a nutshell
February 4, 2020
An insight into the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR).